Sunday, January 3, 2010

Preemie Nipples - Enfamil Preemie Bottles Nipples

Preemie babies can come as a surprise and you may not have the essentials right away. Preemie nipples may not have been something that you had planned for. Luckily while your baby is in the NICU and you are spending time their her you can make purchases that you need online. The hospital you are at should have free wifi and with a laptop, iPhone, or Smartphone you can take care of those essentials.

You can find preemie nipples that reduce colic and other types for specialized situations. Your hospital will provide with nipples to go home with but you will find that you can never have too many.

Enfamil Preemie Bottles Nipples
I have heard mixed reviews about the Enfamil preemie nipples. Ultimately your baby will decide what she prefers and it will be good to keep many on hand. When visiting friends and families bottles and nipples have been known to disappear or be left behind.

My daughter Samaiyah prefers latex over silicon nipples. The silicon nipples are harder than the latex and she just doesn't do well with them. I've found for preemies that the softer the nipple the better. Start thinking early about when preemies can have flakes of cereal in formula. You will be bombarded with everyone's opinions about when you can start. Pay attention to your child they will let you know by how good they are doing with formula to give you some clues.

You will find that there can be excessive mucus in preemies. This can cause them to spit up a lot after feeding. Talk with your doctor about this and he can prescribe some medicine to help with the mucus and acid reflux. You can also find a lot of preemie baby and newborn tips online.